
Here you will find a range of learning resources, some with associated self assessments, designed to support teaching within the faculty.

Important - external resources: the way some skills are demonstrated in the tutorials may be different to how you are expected to perform them in clinical skills sessions and your OSCE's.

Early photographs and museum images N/A A selection of early black and white photos of hospital life around Chester and some images from the temporary museum in the Westminster Building to celebrate 60 years of the NHS. Useful for those interested in or teaching NHS history. Neil Hosker June 2008
Faculty promotional video N/A A video produced to promote the Faculty to prospective pre-registration students. Useful for illustrating the structure of the course, placement areas and branches (available on campus only) University of Chester Feb 2008
The Chester Way N/A A promotional video produced by what was at the time the mental health unit of the Countess of Chester Hospital (and now a separate NHS Trust) to promote its response/approach to the Care in the Community initiative of the early 1990's where long stay mental health patients were moved from hospitals into community care settings. Useful for those interested in or teaching NHS history. Neil Hosker July 2008
Role play - Good nurse
Role play - Bad nurse
N/A Two videos filmed with staff from the Countess of Chester Hospital. Intended to demonstrate good and bad nursing/management and used as part of the staff development they are likely to be useful catalysts for discussion in the various Faculty programmes. Full resolution versions of the videos are available on CD/DVD from Neil Hosker. Neil Hosker November 2008
Branch context study sessions (adult) N/A Online resource supporting the 4 adult branch context days for year 1 trimester 1 pre-registration nursing groups. Faculty staff January 2009
Branch context study sessions (adult) V.2 N/A Online resource supporting the 4 adult branch context days for year 1 trimester 1 pre-registration nursing groups. Faculty staff August 2010
Powerpoint video tutorial Neil Hosker A suite of short videos demonstrating the use of text boxes, images, background images and Wordart in Powerpoint. Intended to be used by students putting together a conference style slide in Powerpoint (eg. NM4003). Facul January 2009
Demonstration Quiz N/A A quiz put together to demonstrate the different types/format of questions available for use in the evaluation quizzes. Intended for use by academic staff putting a quiz together for use with learning objects etc. N/A September 2008
Technology in Healthcare (eLecture) Online quiz An eLecture covering the use of computer technology by healthcare staff. Covers legislation, patient safety, professional and organisational aspects as well as describing the latest developments. Also available is a podcast of the complete session (50 minutes/23mb) (right click the link and 'save target as' to save to your computer). Neil Hosker November 2009