Clinical Skills

Here you will find a range of learning resources, some with associated self assessments, designed to support the clinical skills teaching within the faculty.

Links highlighted in yellow are to relevant external (outside of the university) resources. Please note that we have no control of these resources and they may dissapear at any time! If you find any of these particularly useful it would be worth contacting the authors to negotiate long term access.

Important - external resources: the way some skills are demonstrated in the tutorials may be different to how you are expected to perform them in clinical skills sessions and your OSCE's.

Video with commentary demonstrating physical examination (available on campus only)
September 2008
Video demonstrating potential hazards around blood transfusion
National Blood Service
May 2008
Included within LO
Administration of intramuscular and subcutaneous injections in adults.
Neil Hosker
February 2008
Video with captions and commentary demonstrating the correct Ayliffe technique for handwashing
Conleth Kelly
Chris Barker
Neil Hosker
September 2007
Included within LO
An introduction to basic nursing calculations including worked examples and tests.
Neil Hosker
November 2007
Manufacturers resource demonstrating the use of the Patrol and Clearstar enteric feeding pumps
Abbot Nutrition
September 2008
Manufacturers video demonstrating the theory and use of the Tyco Genius tympanic thermometer
Tyco Healthcare
September 2008
Clinical Skills Online
Also have a look at their Youtube channel for history taking videos.
Clinical skills online. The Clinical Skills Online (CSO) is a project aimed at providing online videos demonstrating core clinical skills common to a wide range of medical and health-based courses. This project has been funded by the Higher Education Academy Subject Centre for Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine.
September 2008
Assessing blood pressure. An interactive tutorial introducing the student to blood pressure measurement.
September 2008
Clinical skills resources developed and hosted by
March 2009